Articles & Events
World Antimicrobial Resistance Awareness Week (WAAW 2022) “Bajaji” ”Tuk-Tuk” Campaign
With the ongoing World Antimicrobial Resistance Awareness Week (WAAW 2022) “Bajaji” ”Tuk-Tuk” Campaign, we will…
Workshop to develop IEC/BCC Materials on AMR
RBA Initiative participated at a Workshop organized by the Ministry of Health (MOHCDGEC) to develop…
AMR training to Ward Development Committee.
The RBA Initiative empowers members of the ward development committee in discussions about antimicrobial resistance….
The trained schoolchildren from the RBA Initiative AMR school clubs are reaching their peers at…
OUR AMR CHAMPIONS; I am now completing the entire course-Joram’s story
Erick Peter Joram(15) is one of the RBA Initiative AMR school club members. He recently…
Assessment of knowledge, attitude and practice towards antimicrobial use and resistance among students in three secondary schools in Dodoma City.
Antimicrobial resistance is still not given enough attention and the public is insufficiently aware of…
A happy parent reveals how her daughter is spreading AMR Awareness.
Devotha Samwel is one of the parents of the school children to whom RBA Initiative…
YOUNG PEOPLE AND AMR-OUR AMR CHAMPIONS:RHODA’S STORY-”We used to buy antibiotics that were meant for humans and feed them to the chickens”
15 year-old Rhoda lives in the Dodoma Region of Tanzania. She attends one of RBA…
Young People and AMR -Our AMR-Champions: The Motive behind Alphonce Mnyavanu on Combating AMR in Helping to Change the Society and the World.
As part of RBA-Initiative phone call interviews about young people who are making an important…
Young People and AMR-Our AMR-Champions: “My mother used to send me to purchase anti-malarial tablets—ALU without a prescription and testing.” Nawwal Nassor
My name is Nawwal Nassor Mohammed, and I am 17 years old, soon to turn…